How we select a KIND diamond

Diamonds are one of the most frequently sought-after gemstones in our studio, and we take great pride in selecting each individual stone, to ensure they meet our meticulous standards.

While the 4Cs and certificates are an important consideration, they do not describe the overall beauty of the stone. To ensure our customers receive the most breathtaking diamond, we delve beyond the basics to assess the stones.

The KIND founder, Tansy Haak, has an incredibly eye for gemstones and searches for and identifies diamonds that not only meet our high-quality standards but also provide our customers with excellent value.

Understanding the elements that affect a diamond’s beauty takes years of experience and continuous research, but is something that Tansy as acquired after years of handcrafting jewellery.

How do we assess a diamond? We identify the type, colour and inclusions that the diamond has. For example – does the diamond have any specific inclusions that may risk future damage? We assess whether the diamond shows a true representation of its natural colour, or whether it has been affected by fluorescence which may make the diamond appear slightly hazy or cloudy.

We take the work out of searching for the perfect diamond by vetting the stones for you. By doing this, we take the pressure off our customers and remove the stress from the diamond buying process.

In addition to the quality of the stone, we can guarantee the authenticity and conflict free nature of the diamond and the mining practices that harvested it from the earth. A vast majority of the diamonds we use at KIND are Canada Mark. These stones are mined in the north west territories of Canada and are only cut and traded by authorised cutting houses and dealers.

We also source a number of our stones from Ocean Diamonds, which are all accompanied by a Certificate of Provenance that specifies the origin and the coastal area where the gem has been harvested by hand. Their diamonds are retrieved in a responsible manner along the coast of South Africa and Namibia - and we are proud to work with them at KIND Collection. You can learn more about our diamond suppliers, here.

We also take great pleasure from working with vintage diamonds that have been passed down or gifted to our customers from their loved ones. Our Rework X Recycle services allow you to include your own diamonds in your KIND jewellery, and gives your jewellery an extra touch of sentimental value. You can learn more about our bespoke and Rework X Recycle offerings, here.

Our diamond collection is a proud reflection of our commitment to quality. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about where our diamonds come from, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Eco-Wedding Ring FAQ


September birthstone: Sapphire