Lab Grown Diamonds VS Natural Diamonds

At KIND Collection, we are passionate about ethically sourced gemstones. We handpick every diamond that features in one of our engagement and bespoke rings and we are big believers in quality over quantity when it comes to gemstones. 

Whilst every natural diamond that comes into the KIND studio has been ethically mined, cut & traded, we have had an increase in requests for lab grown diamonds as a sustainable alternative. As we can source lab grown diamonds upon request, we wanted to share a little insight on these stones and how they compare to natural diamonds.

Diamonds have long been a favourite in the jewellery industry, for its hardness and durability and of course their sparkle. They are a popular gemstone in the KIND studio, as they are frequently used in engagement and bespoke designs.


Lab diamonds are real diamonds, grown in a laboratory environment, instead of growing in the Earth. The physical appearance of a lab diamond is exactly the same as a natural diamond, and they grow with the same natural inclusions and so can be graded, like natural stones, on their colour & clarity. Each stone above around .30cts is certified by the IGI laboratory and they also come in a variety of shapes and sizes like natural diamonds.

A lab grown diamond is produced using one of 2 methods. The first is the Chemical Vapour Deposition method. A rough CVD lab-grown diamond is grown from a diamond plate. High temperatures are applied and carbon detaches itself from hydrogen and methane gases to form a plasma cloud. This cloud starts to build up a diamond on the plate layer by layer.

The second is the High Pressure High Temperature method (HPHT). This method involves a tiny piece of diamond material called a ‘seed, which is combined with carbon and put under immense levels of heat and pressure. These are the same conditions in which a natural diamond is formed in the earth but unlike a natural diamond, a lab diamond doesn’t take billions of years to create, instead these modern growing methods take a fraction of the time. As a result, the price of a natural diamond is generally much higher than that of a lab grown.


At KIND Collection, we do our research to ensure every diamond that comes into our studio has been traced from mine to market, ensuring they are ethically sourced. A vast majority of the diamonds we use at KIND are Canada Mark. These stones are mined in the north west territories of Canada and are only cut and traded by authorised cutting houses and dealers.

We also source a number of our stones from Ocean Diamonds, which are all accompanied by a Certificate of Provenance that specifies the origin and the coastal area where the gem has been harvested by hand. Their diamonds are retrieved in a responsible manner along the coast of South Africa and Namibia - and we are proud to work with them at KIND Collection. You can learn more about our diamond suppliers, here.


We work closely with our contact at Madestones in Antwerp, Belgium to source Certified Labgrown Diamonds. They are currently undergoing a thorough “SMETA” audit, which is one of the most widely used ethical audits

The SMETA audit covers all aspects of corporate responsibility, focusing on the 4 pillars; Health and Safety, Labour standards, Environment, Business ethics.


The verdict is still out as to which is a better option for the environment. The main factor which separates these two stones is the price. Lab grown diamonds are far more affordable than natural stones and so if you are looking for a larger stone with a smaller price tag then they could be worth considering as an option. In our opinion you can’t beat the beauty of a natural diamond, which has been formed by Mother Nature. That said it is undeniable how incredible and Innovative the science is behind lab grown stones.

In the end, each commission is unique and we are lucky to work closely with each customer to make a pieces which reflect the elements of sustainability and design which are most important to them.

Whether sourcing Natural or Labgrown diamonds we are very conscious about the gemstone suppliers that we work with making all our stones an ethical choice.

At KIND, we also offer a Rework + Recycle service, which allows our customers to include their own existing diamonds in their jewellery. This is a fantastic sustainable option, as the gemstones are already in circulation.

If you are looking to commission a special piece of jewellery, using natural, lab-grown diamonds or even your own the please get in touch with us at KIND Collection. You can book an appointment online to discuss your idea with KIND’s founder, Tansy Haak.


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KIND Recycle + Rework: Laura's